Diversed in STEM–Richard Gilliam makes a case for children to embrace STEM Careers.

The multiplicity of the benefits of literature is further emphasized by Richard Gilliam’s new book “Diversed in Stem”, where he makes a case for young children to embrace Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. According to the author, the goal of the book is to show that some of our children’s personality traits that we deem… Continue reading Diversed in STEM–Richard Gilliam makes a case for children to embrace STEM Careers.

Frenchaire Gardner shares hope and love to foster and adopted children in her award-winning children’s book.

TNR: You chose foster and adopted children as your target audience in your latest book. Why so? FG: This book is very personal to me because my biological children have been adopted. Not only is it important to let my four children know they are loved, but it’s important for all children to know that… Continue reading Frenchaire Gardner shares hope and love to foster and adopted children in her award-winning children’s book.

Richard S. T Gilliam harps on the importance of STEM subjects in new children’s book

TNR: What inspired your recently published children’s book, “Diversed in STEM: When We Believe, We Achieve”? R: I was inspired to write my book based on my life. Being from the inner city of Philadelphia, I grew up in an area where I lacked drive and motivation. I really didn’t believe in myself and my… Continue reading Richard S. T Gilliam harps on the importance of STEM subjects in new children’s book