Rotimi Osiyoye’s Digital Affection explores the role of communication in society

Reviewer: Deji Akinade

Communication has been an essential part of our culture since the beginning of time. It has also been a crucial part of our social life and over time, the means of communication has changed according to the times.

Digital Affection takes us on a journey from the past on how communication is relative to successful relationships, strong social networking and human interactions in the modern world. I must confess, Rotimi Osiyoye did it with a finesse only a talented author like him possibly could.

Rotimi Osiyoye, in great details illuminated on the challenges two lovers face when expressing their sentiments through the available channels of communication in the past in comparison with the modern technologies and smart devices being used in the modern world.

The writer captures how a considerable amount of effort was needed for social interaction before digitization; visits were carefully planned, actions were premeditated, and choice of words was deliberate to ensure a strong bond. One of the distinct factors that differentiate the old era of human interaction and relationship as compared with this age and time is the fact that technology has reduced tension and anxiety and people are now able to easily form emotional connections by capitalizing on the vast information and digital content in modern day.

However, Rotimi, with his expert writing, balanced these narratives that although instantaneous information is advantageous to the millennial, too much access to unfiltered information can come with some negative effects.

Digital Affection describes with in-depth knowledge how social levels of connections can be attained when aided by technology. Rotimi expertly explained how advancement in technology will solve our day-to-day problems and enable more social bonds that transcend beyond our race, religion and culture.

Rotimi Osiyoye also explains how relationship has evolved beyond human interactions since the invention of software and robotics. He also elaborates on the scientific predictions of a human-to-robotic relationship in the near future.

It’s safe to say that every young adult is well informed about modern technology. Digital Affection carefully highlights how important it is to understand the fundamentals of digital devices and leverage on them. This book is a page turner, the writing was captivating and one could have expected nothing less from the author: Rotimi Osiyoye.

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